EMDR Therapy

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a highly effective and well-researched therapy approach used to address the painful effects of trauma and a variety of other psychological issues. Twenty-Six research studies have found EMDR Therapy to be more effective than traditional talk therapy.
When a disturbing psychological event occurs, the brain is often unable to process the experience as it normally would. Instead, the traumatic event can get stuck in the brain in the form that it was originally experienced.
Current symptoms (e.g., anxiety, panic, low self-esteem, sadness, and fear) are often manifestations of unprocessed traumatic experiences. EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation through eye movements which activates both sides of the brain, to heal psychological and physical trauma.
EMDR is considered an evidence-based treatment for trauma-related stress, anxiety, sexual abuse, depression, phobias and PTSD. EMDR has been validated as an effective treatment for PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) by a number of organizations, including:
The American Psychiatric Association
The World Health Organization
The Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense
The International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Registry of Evidence Based Programs and Practices
Because trauma is at the heart of many psychological symptoms, clinicians have reported success using EMDR in the treatment of a wide range of conditions. Examples include:
Panic attacks
Complicated grief
Sexual and/or physical abuse
Disturbing memories
Pain disorders
Stress reduction
Performance anxiety
Dissociative disorders
Body dysmorphic disorders
Personality disorders
Both clinicians and patients have found EMDR to be a very valuable healing modality. In fact, over the past 25 years more than 70,000 clinicians worldwide have been trained in EMDR and over two million people of all ages have used EMDR to overcome a wide variety of psychological issues.
Another valuable aspect of the EMDR therapy process is its effectiveness with addressing negatively held beliefs about one’s self and the world. Beliefs are like mental programs - they have a strong influence over our thoughts, feelings, moods, behaviors, and relationship patterns. Often times, beliefs are unconscious, or out of our awareness, yet they still wield a very powerful influence. Common negative beliefs include: “I’m not good enough,” I’m unlovable,” and “I’m a failure.” As traumatic experiences reprocess, the negative beliefs that developed during those experiences dissolve.
EMDR can also be used to help improve the performance of a particular activity or skill-set. EMDR can be used in developing and enhancing the capacity to perform in areas such as public speaking; various types of competition; or academic, athletic, work, and stage performance.
For the first time in history, scientists have access to imaging technologies that can peer into the functioning of the human brain on the tiniest of levels.

With advanced new scanning techniques such as SPECT imaging scans and the fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) we have a newer and deeper understanding of our internal computer than we once ever thought possible.
And it is these types of technology that are giving us a direct look at how EMDR Therapy changes the human brain and can make it work more efficiently. Look at the left image. See the red color scattered throughout the brain? That’s the areas that aren’t functioning the way they should be, in fact they are over-working!
Now check out the image on the right-hand side. This image was taken after the person went through a series of EMDR sessions. Notice how the affected area has decreased substantially to the point of almost being completely gone? This is how a brain should function.
Call today to learn more about EMDR at 619-405-7410